The Thinglogix Salesforce CoPilot Framework for managing APEX Trigger code so that you can effectively use ChatGPT to write your APEX Code.
Companies spend way too much time fighting with their Salesforce Orgs. The more you customize and extend, the more technical debt you incur. Thinglogix Salesforce CoPilot will save you time and money by putting the control of your Salesforce APEX code back into your hands. The consistent framework helps you leverage ChatGPT to take the hard work out of writing triggers and test classes.
Reduce trategic Innovation: Reduced reliance on outside Salesforce "Experts".
Operational Efficiency: Write cleaner APEX code and have full test coverage every time.
Enhanced Decision : Use ChatGPT to write quality APEX triggers.
Customized Solutions: develop business logic independent of the code base. Create self documenting code and monitor its execution.
Competitive Advantage: Monitor if a piece of code is reaching governor limits and turn code on and off accordingly.